Below are the instructions on how to reset passwords in Engage.
To begin with, you will need to be
1. Log in to Atlas Engage and switch to the administrator view.
2. Select the Learners wizard from within the Learners menu at the top of the screen.
3. The screen will show all learners in the system you have permission to view. You can search for specific learners using the filter boxes below each column.
4, When you have found the specific user, click the Edit button circled below.
5. The screen will load the user's profile details shown below.
If you see the Account Registration URL , this means the initial registration email has not been used, so the user hasn't set their password yet.
To resend the welome email and extend the validity of this, click the "Resend" button circled below.
Note, you cannot reset a password when the registration email has not been used. The resend button must be used in this case.
6. If you do not see the Registration URL you can click RESET Password and this will send a password reset email.