Go to the "Licenses" tab then "Purchase Licenses"
Then enter the details as requested. (Left hand side is for purchasing with a Credit or Debit card)
After you have purchased the licenses these will be added to your account, and you can then register the learners via the Registration tab (as shown in the first image).
If your company have never ordered licences by Purchase Order before, then this option may be locked to you initially (as shown above). You can make this option available by clicking on the blue 'Download form' button, which will immediately give you access to fill in some extra company details required. Once this has been completed and submitted, our accounts team will review and if/when approved, you will be notified and this option will then be opened up to you on the payment page.
Once approved, you can then request licences via Purchase order as shown in the below image on the right hand side:
To do this, you would enter the Purchase Order number into the 'PO No.' box, then enter how many licences are required into the 'Licences' box (this is usually automatically populated with 6 as this is the minimum requirement for ordering by Purchase Order). Then click on 'Choose file'. Select the file required and 'Open'. Then click on the box next to where it says 'Check this box to confirm you agree to the Terms & Conditions'. Lastly click on 'Upload PO'.
Your request will then be automatically sent to the support team who will check the details of the Purchase Order and then release the licences for you shortly thereafter. You will then receive an automatic email notification that the licences have been added to the account.